How to apply
Please see the Who we can help and Guidance Notes sections of the website to see that your application satisfies the criteria for a grant. If you have any questions you can email us at or call us on 0115 9893722.
Applications can be submitted at any time of the year. We will aim to acknowledge receipt of all appropriate applications within 4 weeks.
Download and complete an application form in
Word format and email it to us as an attachment with appropriate supporting documentation.
Or Contact us via email or post and we will send you an application form.
Summaries of all applications will be sent to the Trustees with the comments of the office. You may be contacted and asked to add more details to your application.
If there is insufficient support from the Trustees at the initial assessment, you will be informed within 8 weeks of receipt of your application.
Payment of grants
Payment will be made within one month of approval by the Trustees. Please ensure you complete the payment details section on the application form.